Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Rains!!

I was missing rains for some months and the good days back!! As everyone says “ summer rains are much special than rains in rainy season” and It almost rained everyday when I was in calcutta for Editing. As the toughest parts of the work are done; I can happily take bath in rain and can work leisurely when ever I please. Cheers to life its getting better and better. Yeah I was even saying the same the my sister yesterday; that I am enjoying a lot more now than in my school days. What more can I ask for ?
So here I am; just came from a shower in rain and happily working on this blog listening to songs!! Today I am going to write about some awesome people I met ( I didn’t write much about them till now which is very very bad) I know I know; this will become larger than a book; so I will try to write about few people now and continue later.
1) When I first saw this fellow ‘Venkat’; I know this guy is studious; a Mtech degree from IIT roorkee confirmed the same. But what makes him different from others is his commitment and his love to study and his zeal to achieve perfection. I met many intelligent people; but never I met a guy with this energy to learn. For guy from a typical village scenario and from a middle class family who struggles with his English; what he achieved is something remarkable. Kudos buddy.
He thinks about everything he does. Once I was explaining relative velocity to a guy to solve a problem; this guy turned up and said “ no srikanth; u are wrong ; “ and he started explaining it the theory; I said “ buddy; that’s damn tough; he may not understand the stuff; you need to make it simple”. And venkat says “ you cant tamper theory to make it simple”. What more can I say about this guy.He was the no.1 student of our training batch, and we used to copy all the assignments from him.
It was a privilege to stay with him for one year. We used to spend most of our weekends also in office. I used to watch movies and he used to study mainframes. And the best story was; his guide couldn’t totally understand his final project. When this guy went for his convocation his guide asked him to explain some parts of it. Lol.. buddy you gotta go places. Keep rockin.
2) This incident is something I really enjoyed. Some people can create comedy very seriously. Well this is about rajendra (IBM-er). He calls himself Mr. Perfect.. lol.
Training days are unofficially called as honeymoon days. So I took up this ‘Q’ messaging training which was scheduled on Thursday and Friday. ( four day weekend !!). lets not get too much technical ; this is about ending messages from one technology to another. The trainer came and informed us that total syllabus can be understood in 2 hours but as we need to spend some 2 days; we will poject some programs on screen ; and we need to type them and run in our systems.

I turned to this fellow rajendra and said : “ buddy; I will type half program and you type half. We will merge it.. what say?”
He looked at me very seriously
Raj: no; I will type everything myself.
Me: okay; you type everything ; I will copy from you.
Raj: no; I wont give it to you either.
Now friends this is getting tough; if you are sincere that’s well and good. But if you are too sincere. Problem starts.
So finally I copied it from the guy sitting before me. And my work is done. And tell you what; this guy rajendra is still struggling with his program. So finally he copied it from me!!
The game is not yet over!! He looked at me seriously and said “ copying isn’t great; you have to do it yourself; only then you can learn!!” .. lol
The guy looks so serious; that I cant stop laughing at him. All the same a very very good fellow with a very good heart. He once told me he wants to start a Orphanage when he retires!! My best wishes to you buddy. Hope u fulfill your dreams. And my help and wishes always with you. Cheers
3) Now friends; I am reasonably a good fellow. I wont drink and smoke. I pray regularly and I wont even drink coffee and tea. I don’t expect people to praise me but atleast I told expect to doubt. And my Mom strongly believes that I drink when not at home.. such a pity!! And my sister called me up on Dec 31st. “ Srikanth ; I called you to remind you not to drink and drive!!” first thing is I don’t drink ; second and worst thing is; damn ,I don’t have a bike either.
Me: sis; you pretty well know that I don’t drink.
Sis: I don’t believe you; everyone drinks now a days ( this is too much)
Me: ( I gave a final try) come on sis; this is dec 31 st; any drunkard would have got drunk by now. Here I am talking nicely to you.
And guess what my sister told me
“ may be you expected some calls; and that’s why you didn’t drink”.. damn.. damn!!

4) And now lets get serious; I am not going to talk about those rains anymore; not those early summer morning and other beautiful things; neither I am going to talk about something inspirational;
I am going to write about some one whom I really hate; yes yes.. I am speaking about them only; fortune tellers!!
Mom’s you know they love their kids; gives everything they wanna wear and eat; but they never believe their kids can do anything on their own. They prefer fortunes words than yours. Such a pity!
And guess what these fellows say about you “ you son is a dangerous fellow; he acts as if he is listening to your words; but finally he will do what ever he likes!!”
And my aunt kept looking at me ; she said “ till now I thought you are a nice fellow!!”
Its like as if he is speaking truth!! ( though I must admit there is some truth in it) these fortune tellers suck!!
Keep rockin
3 cheers


Anonymous said...

First of all.. congrats that ur project is finally reaching its completion. Really happy for u, buddy.

and now.. ur writing is fresh as rain, bro. honestly.., loved it here.. and the descriptions u provided here.. are just awesome.. that 'copying' stuff was damn funny..

one thing.. I can completely identify with ur feelings when ur family member doesn't trust u and blames u by citing the examples of the world.. same goes with me too, buddy.. feel real bad sometime.

Inspired Souls said...

ha ha.. that family stuff; I wrote it for fun dude.. no offence .. lol